By the Numbers

These numbers will reflect data collected by the statewide refugee resettlement office, as well as some data specific to IRCNOCO. Data specific to refugees will constitute the former portions of data, and data in the latter portion will be specific to immigrants. The refugee data will be in displayed in cooler tones, while the immigrant data in warmer tones (for an aesthetic distinction while looking).

Class Enrollment

Source: IRC Internal Data Collection (Note: FFY2018 numbers will change as year continues)

Languages spoken by our students (currently enrolled)


Total Refugee Population & Number Resettled

Less than 1% of refugees are resettled each year. Source: United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR)

Immigration Status of Primary Arrivals (State Wide)

Colorado; Fiscal Year 2017

Immigration Status of Secondary Arrivals (State Wide)

Colorado; Fiscal Year 2017

10 largest Countries of Origin of Primary Refugee Resettlement (state wide)

Colorado; Fiscal Year 2017

Children in Weld County — At a Glance